
Friday 28 September 2012

Configuring Project Server 2013

This article contains  the steps to configure the Project Server  2013 Service Application and Project Web App site.

Click Here to view the Installation steps for Project Server 2013

Launch the SharePoint Central Administration page
Under Service Application, Click on Manage Service Application

Click on New from the Ribbon Bar, You'll see Project Server Service Application three
Clcik on Project Server Service Application

Enter the Project Services Application Name

Select Create new application pool and give a name to it

Select the defined project server service account

Select the Proxy

Click Ok

Note: There is a timer job called Project Server Provisioning which will run in the background to provision the Service Application

 Click on Create Project Web App Instance
Select the Web Application where you want to provision the Project Web App Instance
Give a Project Web App Path
Specify Administrator Account for managing the Project Web App Instance
Specify the Database Server and Database Name
Specify the Quoata Limit if you have any policies around the same.
Also, restrict the Content Database so no other site collections get created in Project Database
by chaning the Minimum and Mixumum Site collection creation valua to 0 and 1 respectively.

Note: In this scenerio I've not installed Analysis Service for creating OLAP cubes , this can be done afterwards for reporting purpose

It starts the process, firstly does Creating project Web App Site
 Then Provisions the Database

 Configures the new Project Web App Site

 Finally, it's provisioned.

 This is how it looks

 The following Site Collection features are activated on Project Web App site collection.

 These are the Site Features which I've manually actiavted

This one is interesting, Project Server 2013 creates only one Database unlike Project Server 2010 which creates 4 Databases huge improvement.

I would suggest to seggregate Analysis Service on to a dedicated server if you want to leverage the OLAP Cubes for reporting purposes. I haven't yet tried that but will do in mere future.

Thanks for reading this post and I hope it was helpful.

Installing and Creating a SharePoint 2013 Server Farm

Please check this link for to understand the Hardware and Software requirements for SharePoint 2013 preview

Check this link to install SQL Server 2012

And, this to Install and Create a new SharePoint 2013  preview Server Farm

To Join SharePoint 2013 into a farm , check this

Below is the spec of what and where we will be installing Project Server.

Server NameRoles
ls-devps13-01.contoso.comProject 2013 Server
ls-devsp13-01.contoso.comSharePoint 2013 Server
ls-devsql12-01.contoso.comSQL Server 2012 Server
Service AccountsRoles
contoso\svc-spfarmSP Fram
contoso\svc-sqladminSQL Admin
contoso\svc-projectappProject Server

To Install Project Server in the farm, Click Here

Installing Project Server 2013 in SharePoint 2013 farm on Windodws 2012

Please refer to this technet article to understand the Hardware and Software requirements before proceeding with Installing Project Server 2013 Preview

Please check this link for to understand the Hardware and Software requirements for SharePoint 2013 preview

Check this link to install SQL Server 2012

And, this to Install and Create a new SharePoint 2013  preview Server Farm

To Join SharePoint 2013 into a farm , check this

Below is the spec of what and where we will be installing Project Server.

Server NameRoles
ls-devps13-01.contoso.comProject 2013 Server
ls-devsp13-01.contoso.comSharePoint 2013 Server
ls-devsql12-01.contoso.comSQL Server 2012 Server
Service AccountsRoles
contoso\svc-spfarmSP Fram
contoso\svc-sqladminSQL Admin
contoso\svc-projectappProject Server

We have got 2 servrs which and where we will be installing Project Server 2013.

Starting with Installing on

Launch the splash from Project Server 2013 Media
Click on Install Software Pre-requisites

  Starts the Prepartion tool and displays the list of pre-requisites
Click Next

Accept the License Agreement and Click Next

This one was quick as most of the pre-requisites were installed are same as for SharePoint 2013.
Click Finish

Click Install Project Server

Enter the Product Key and Click Continue

Accept the License Agreement and Click Next
Click on Install Now, to start the installation of Project Server 2013 Preview

Click on Finish

Note: You'll have to perform the above steps i.e. to

Install Pre-requistes
Install Project Server software

on the other servers (WFE/APP Servers) in your farm before starting the Products Configuration Wizard or else you will see some error setup mising files

Starts the Products Configuration Wizard , Click Next
 Displays some services will be started or reset, Click Yes and Next

Here you go, you get this as I wanted to explain what happens if you don't install Pre-req and Project Server software before running the Products Configuration Wizard
Installed Pre-requisites and Project Server on
Now, Click on Refresh it will take you to the next stage

Confirms the Database Server and Name, Click Next 

Starts the Configuration wizard, may consume up to 30 minutes.

 Configuration successfull, Great, Click on Finish

Note: You need to run the Configuration Wizard on other WFE's and APP Servers one at a time. You shouldn't run Configuration Wizard at the same time on all WFE and APP Servers as it will conflict and may corrupt the configuration.

After this, I executed the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard on server

Click on Cancel as I'll configure the Project Server at a later stage.

Click Here to view the steps to Configure Project Server 2013 web app.

Joining SharePoint 2013 into a farm on Windows 2012

In this article, I'll walk you through the steps of joining SharePoint 2013 preview into a SharePoint farm.

In part 1, I install and create a new farm for SharePoint 2013. This article is a continuation of that to join into the farm.


Install SharePoint pre-requistes ( software pre-requisites)
Install SharePoint Server software

When you have done the first two steps, you will see this when SharePoint Server Software is installed.

Click on Close to Start the Products and Configuation Wizard

 Starts the Products Configuration Wizard , Click Next

 Displays the services will be started or reset, Click on Yes and Next

This is the crucial part, in the first article I Selected Create a new server farm as there was no farm created.

As I would like to join into a SharePoint farm,
Select Connect to an existing server farm, Click Next

 Specify the Databse Server and click on Retreive Database Names

It should automatically pickup the configuration database, if it doesn't you may want to check the ports are opened from your server to database server etc.

Click Next

Enter the passphrase which was created in Part 1, and use the same otherwise it won't connect. In case if you don't remember the passphrase, there is a powershell command to reset the same.

Click Next

Confirms the Database Server  and Name
Click Next

Starts the Configuration and may consume 30 minutes or so to join this server in the farm.

Configuration Successful, this indicates this server is in a farm.

Click Finish

Click on Cancel , you can configure your service applciations at a later stage

Installing SharePoint 2013 Preview on Windows 2012

I'll be Installing SharePoint 2013 preview in a farm. Here are the specs this is demo purpose and to prepare for an upgrade from SharePoint 2010 to 2013.

Server NameRoles
ls-devps13-01.contoso.comProject 2013 Server
ls-devsp13-01.contoso.comSharePoint 2013 Server
ls-devsql12-01.contoso.comSQL Server 2012 Server
Service AccountsRoles
contoso\svc-spfarmSP Fram
contoso\svc-sqladminSQL Admin
contoso\svc-projectappProject Server

I'll start with the first box i.e. to install SharePoint 2013 Preview. 
Launch the splash file
Click on Install Software prerequisites

Note: This process may consume upto 30 minutes and will require a reboot after prerequisites are installed

Launches the Preparation tool
Displays the list of pre-requisites required
Click on Next

Click on Accept License Agreement and Click Next

Starts the configuring and installing the Pre-requisites

Requires a reboot, Click Finish

After reboot, continues the pre-requisites installation

Click on Finish

Click on Install SharePoint Server

Enter the product key , Click Continue
Accept the License Terms, Click Continue

This is an important stage, if you wish to install and create a farm , Select Complete and Click Install Now.

Note: We'll be joining one more server in the farm which I'll cover in another article.

Starts the Installation , may consume 30 minutes.

Click on Close

This will initiate the Product and Configuration Wizard.

Click Next to start the Products Configuration Wizard

 Prompts that the listed services may have to be started or reset during this process.
Click on Yes and Next
 This is again an important stage where you determine whether you're going to join into an existing server farm or create a new one.

In my case, this is the first server where I'm installing , Select Create a new server farm and Click Next
 You'll have to specify the Database Server and Database Name
And, the svc-spfarm account which should have dbcreated, security admin rights in the Database Server/
Specify the same and Click Next

 Passphrase will be require when you join other servers to the farm or disconnect and re-connect the servers.
Enter the passphrase , I though have set it same as my svc-spfarm account password as it's easy to remember but it's imperative to document this in your build document.
Click Next
In Product environments, you'll have to work with your Network specialist to check if the port which you're going to use for Central Admin is available and doesn't have any conflict.

I'm going with NTLM but will configure Kerberos Later.

Click Next

 Displays the inforamtion of your Database Server, Name and Central Admin URL , Authentication type.
Verify and click Next

 Starts the Configuration Process, may consume 30 minutes or so. Click Next
 Configuration sucessful sign of relief as this is my first time installing it on Windows 2012 .
Click Finish
 It's upto you what you want to select.

Click on Cancel.

If you click on Start the Wizard, it will use your farm account as a service account to configure all the service applications depending upon your selectin but I would not do this as I'll configure what is required at a later stage.

This will create various service applications and it's corresponding databases with GUID's for some reason its not recommended to have GUID as it's not easy to manage for DBA's in a large environment.

In the Next article, I'll Join the server into this  farm.