
Wednesday 5 February 2014

Failed to load protocol handler OSearch15.HttpHandler.1. Error description: The parameter is incorrect.

Got this error on one of the development machine on SharePoint 2013 while crawling a content source for SharePoint sites.
Failed to load protocol handler OSearch15.HttpHandler.1. Error description: The parameter is incorrect.
SharePoint Search Content Account had Full Read access on the Web Application.
Tried various steps starting , restarting the following services in the hope this may resolve the issue
  • SharePoint Server Search 15
  • SharePoint Search Host Controller
  • SharePoint Timer Service

None worked.
Tried stopping and starting the following from Manage Services on Server from Central Admin, no go
  • Search Host Controller Service 
  • Search Query and Site Settings Service 
Deleted the Search Service Application, Proxy and Re-created the Search Service Application with new Search Proxy

Same error while crawling the Content Source for SharePoint sites.
Deleted the Search Service App Again

Launched ULS Logs while re-creating Search Service Application.

Found that Indexer was already there on C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Data\Office Server\Applications for the old rogue Search Service App and search had to re-create a new one and there was some conflict

Deleted Search Service App one last time

Took a copy of all the files at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Data\Office Server\Applications
Deleted all the files from here

Re-created the Search Service App with new Proxy and specified the Index file path to different location i.e. D:\Index\ via PowerShell check MSDN for the commands

Deleted the Search Center site , re-created a new one

Ran the crawl , worked fine without any issues.

This solution may not work in your environment, check the ULS to identify and troubleshoot the issue.

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