
Tuesday 31 July 2012

SharePoint 2013 Preview System Requirements

Thought it would be good to capture the system requirements for SharePoint 2012 Preview. This is bare minimum hardware requirement.  
Hardware Requirements (Minimum)
64 bit , 4 cores
8 GB for Production Use
4 GB for Developer or Evaluation use
Hard Disk
80 GB free for system drive ( maintain 2x free space as available RAM)
Database Servers
64 bit , 4 cores for small deployment
64 bit, 8 cores medium deployment
8 GB for Small deployments
16 GB for Medium Deployment
Hard Drive
80 GB for System Drive
Hard Disk space is dependent on the size of your SharePoint Content
Software Requirements
Database Servers
64 bit SQL Server R2 – Service Pack 1
64 bit SQL Server 2012 RTM not Release Candidate
Operating System
64 bit of Windows 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 , Windows Server 2012
Web and Application Servers
64 bit Windows 2008 R2 Service Pack  1 , Windows Server 2012
Installation Prerequisites
·         Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
·         Windows Management Framework 3.0 (CTP2)
·         Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role
·         Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Native Client
·         Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
·         Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
·         Windows Server AppFabric
·         Microsoft Identity Extensions
·         Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client
·         Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0
·         Cumulative Update Package 1 for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server (KB2671763)

This is just a starting point in terms of understanding hardware, software, database server requirements. Based on the client requirement or business objective capacity planning will help in determining the farm infrastructure. I don’t think no farm size is perfect changes are bound to happen depending upon the requirement but having some roadmap plan will help in a long run.
For more information, please refer to relevant TechNet article
For a basic complete SharePoint install, here are the steps along with screenshots

Thursday 19 July 2012

Installing SharePoint 2013 Preview

Installing SharePoint 2013 Preview

This post will cover step by step stand-alone installation of SharePoint 2013 Preview on an AD environment.

Launch the splash file

Click on Install Software Prerequisites

Accept the License Agreement , Click on Next

Installs the prerequisite

Click on Finish, this will reboot the Machine

On Reboot, it will continue the prequisite configuration

Prerequisites Installation Complete, Click on Finish

To Install SharePoint Server, Click on Install SharePoint Server

Enter the Product Key, Click on Continue

Accept the License Terms and Click Continue

This is important , if you want to configure a Farm, Select Complete or Else Stand-alone which will install SQL 2008 R2 Express with SP1.

Note: This has a limitation of 8 Gb on the database. In my case, I have just selected standalone as this was quick look through

Select whatever you would like to achieve and Click Install Now

This Process may consume around 30 minutes

Installation is Complete, Click on Close to Launc the Product Configuration Wizard

Click Next

Prompts that it will stop the listed service during Installation, Click Next

May consume another 20-30 minutes, Click on Finish

Note: If it's a standalone install, it will create the web application on its own and Allows you to select the Site Template

What I noticed is the installation hasn't changed for stand-alone. I'll test the Complete Installation for connecting other servers in a Farm.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Daily Report by Incidents SCSM 2012

Daily report is something which is used by service delivery managers and there is no out of box reports in SCSM to process this.
Below SQL query will give you the count of following incidents assigned to Support Engineer:
·         Active
·         Pending
·         Resolved
·         Closed

Run this against DWDataMart database as per Microsoft’s suggest no query should be run directly on a transactional database in this case it ServerManager Database.
 distinct userdim.DisplayName as AssignedToUser , count ( case incident.status
when 'IncidentStatusEnum.Active' THEN 'ACTIVE' end )  as Active,
 count ( case incident.status
when 'IncidentStatusEnum.Closed' THEN 'Closed' end )  as Closed,
Count ( case incident.status
when 'IncidentStatusEnum.Resolved' THEN 'Resolved' end )  as Resolved

From    IncidentDim incident JOIN   
WorkItemDim workitem on incident.EntityDimKey = workItem.EntityDimKey JOIN  
 WorkItemAssignedToUserFactvw assignedtouser
on workitem.WorkItemDimKey = assignedtouser.WorkItemDimKey JOIN   
UserDimvw userdim on assignedtouser.WorkItemAssignedToUser_UserDimKey = userdim.UserDimKey
 Where    assignedtouser.DeletedDate is null and incident.createddate>= CONVERT(varchar(8), GETDATE()-1, 112)
 group by userdim.DisplayName, incident.status


Assigned To
Support Engineer A
Support Engineer B
Support Engineer C
Support Engineer D

 Please note this query will only pull info for Incidents but not Service or Change requests

Tuesday 10 July 2012

SharePoint 2010: Access denied while uploading

This issue caused an absolute nightmare. Basically we have a site created using site template around 20 of them. In all of that only a site collection administrator could upload the document and didn’t get access denied.
But for any one with Contribute or site owners rights experienced access denied when clicking on Add Document or Upload Document/s.
ULS is the way to go does give a hint and resolved this for us.
Created a new site using the same site template and didn’t see an error
On this new site Publishing and Content Organizer features were not activated but on the other 20 odd sites, this feature was activated were we experienced the issue of access denied.
 Site Template didn’t contain publishing and content organizer features in it. This bemused me it worked initially but found that we recently installed Service Pack 1 and June 2011 Cumulative update. Thought this might be causing it but any ways to resolve this
Deactivated Publishing Feature
Deactivated Content Organizer
Deactivated and re-activated Enterprise Feature
Deactivated and re-activated Standard Feature
Boom issue resolved.
This issue occurred for us due to SP 1 and June 2011 CU. I would say always check in ULS logs for more information on why the issue is occuring.

Thursday 5 July 2012

User Profile Syncnronization Service stuck at Starting after Installing Service Pack 1 + June 2011 CU

User Profile Syncnronization Service stuck at Starting after Installing Service Pack 1 + June 2011 CU.

This didn’t happen after installing SP 1 and June 2011 CU. Microsoft says to stop and start the User Profile Services after Installing SP 1 and June CU. That worked for my environment but the issue started after couple of days.

Eventually had to reset and re-provision user Profile service app ( Delete without data and then create the user profile service app and using the existing Social and Profile Databases but not Synchronization that’s for not losing your existing data) but that didn’t solve the problem. Had to run this to resolve the issue I though modified this little bit for my environment.

##Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell


Copy the ID of User Profile Synchronization from here

Stop-SPServiceInstance 'Place the ID of User Profile Synchronziation without the single quotes'

Go back to Central Admin and check the status if it stopping

If it’s stuck in Stopping, run an IISRESET


Copy the ID from here for User Profile Service App

$syncDBType = "Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.SynchronizationDatabase"
$upaSAType = Get-SPServiceApplication -ID 'b2077e3c-a375-44a3-b0f9-1b82fdd0366a – this is a test ID'
$syncDB = Get-SPDatabase | where-object {$_.Type -eq $syncDBType}
$upa = Get-SPServiceApplication | where-object {$_.TypeName -eq $upaSAType}
$syncDB.Status = "Offline"
restart-service SPTimerV4

Wait for 5-10 minutes, check the user profile sync and service status, If stopped, Start it.
Wait for 5-10 minutes, after that No Harm in running IISRESET if you don't see it started

My Big Thanks to Spencer Harbar for coming up with this brilliant piece of work.