
Monday 21 May 2012

How to move a RBS enabled site collection to a regular (non-RBS enabled) Content Database?

Some times when you implement RBS to check out whether this will be a good fit and meets business requirement but at a later stage you may feel this doesn’t fit the purpose. You think about shifting a RBS enabled site collection to non RBS enabled site collection and RBS is tricky but easy to set up.

RBS has its own set of pros and cons mostly performance being an issue is a key one as for my understanding.

Here is how you can do it.

1)      First take the backup of the site collection which is RBS enabled.

Backup-SPSite http:/ -Path C:\Backup\IT_RBS.bak

Result: This will be create a bak file which will include all the files from the local location (c or d drive set for RBS) and site structure etc.

2)     Then delete the site collection
3)     Create a new site collection with the same URL using a blank template and to have its own content database use the steps listed here:

4)     Now restore the site collection

Restore-SPSite http:/ -Path C:\Backup\IT_RBS.bak

Job done.

1 comment:

  1. It is not working giving BlobStoreexception . can u help ?
