
Sunday 20 January 2013

SharePoint 2010 Cannot add the specified assembly to the GAC

Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the GAC in SharePoint 2010

We had a solution deployed numerous times as it houses a line of business process in SharePoint 2010. On performing Upgrade Solution via stsadm or Update-Solution via Power Shell , encountered the error: cannot add the specified  assembly to the GAC.

We started by created a test solution package and deployed it on the environment which worked fine to identify whether the issue was with the Package or environment.

On updating the LOB Solution , it couldn’t add the assembly to the GAC for LOB WSP, on one of the WFE servers.

Performed an IISRESET and restarted the timer service on the failing WFE,  deployed the WSP package again, it did work but when we tried updating it again at the later stage, got the same error.

I had to rely on Process Explorer to figure out what process was using the DLL and from where. The beauty of this tool is, it displays the list of processes running on the server and what DLL’s its using.

You can do a Find for the DLL file from the top menu bar to identify the process which it’s using.

I figured out using the Process Explorer, the Timer Service Process was referring to DLL from c:\windows\assembly\temp

I cleared the Temp folders which had the DLL, performed an IISRESET and restarted the Timer Service

This resolved the issue for me. You will have to identify what process is conflicting and troubleshoot the same accordingly.

Saturday 19 January 2013

SharePoint 2013 Invalid URI: The URI is empty

I had a task to create a proof of concept environment for SharePoint 2013 for a presentation to a top level exec. Installed and Configured a SharePoint 2013 farm on couple of VM's with dedicated WFE/APP and SQL Server boxes, as this will be used as a POF and the requirements were not clear how long the boxes will be used. MS has released the deployment guide for 2013 must read before thinking of creating a new farm.

Created a new web application on the new farm and a  root level Site Collection based on Team Site Template. Till this moment everything was looking good. On accessing the Site got the following error   :

SharePoint returned the following error: Invalid URI: The URI is empty. Contact your system administrator for help in resolving this problem.

My  first encounter with an issue on 2013 on a vanilla environment, thought it would be good to have this as a reference.

To resolve this, I had to create and configure my site i.e.

  • Created a new web app for my site
  • Created the my site host site collection as the root
  • Provisioned the User Profile Service App
  • Configured the My Site URL in Setup My Site in User Profile Service App

On accessing the Team Site didn't find the error. 

Each environment is different and unique, ULS Log viewer was the key to identify and troubleshoot this.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Failed to get the server time zone id. Exception: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEndpointAddressNotFoundException: There are no addresses available for this application.

Error : Failed to get the server time zone id. Exception:  Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEndpointAddressNotFoundException: There are no addresses available for this application. 

When I check the View Web Analytics Reports from Central Admin on Production, it throws the above error though it works on Test environment.

To resolve this, I have performed the following steps by looking at the ULS Logs.

Navigate to Central Administration
System Settings and click on Manage Services on Server

Stopped the following two services though it was already started

·         Web Analytics Data Processing Service
·         Web Analytics Web Service

Started the above two services but when I check View Web Analytics Report, doesn’t seem to work.

On Further checks found the Manage Metadata Service App wasn’t able to retrieve the metadata

Stopped and Started the Managed Metadata Web Service

This resolved the issue for me now able to view the Web Analytics Reports from Central Admin

If it doesn’t work, check the ULS logs to identify and troubleshoot  the issue.